Вот интересной инфой поделился пан Remov, его посты можно найти в большинстве тем по Польше на страницах многих форумов
[url=http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/sh]http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/sh ... php?t=1519
[url=http://www.nfow.pl/viewtopic.php?t=2289]http://www.nfow.pl/viewtopic.php?t=2289 ... c&start=15
Вот вырезка из его письма:
(Сорри но переводить нет сил, посмотрите на время постинга)
> Our main interest is to find out what camouflage do they use. We know about "Pantera leśna", "Pantera pustynna" and SUEZ. Some internet sources say that SUEZ is being tested.
The official camouflage of the GROM unit is the "US pantera wz. 127/MON" and the "US pantera pustynna wz.124/MON", the same for all Polish Army, but the GROM uses also so-called "working uniforms" ("kombinezony robocze") which are 5.11 series clothing as well as new uniforms in the "suez" cammo. The "suez" is unofficial pattern, but accepted in the "working uniforms".
> Some new articles say that a line of completely new camouflage is being developed.
The camouflage is the same, the article is about new uniforms, not new cammo pattern. There are some proposals (from digital to the flektarn variants) of the new camouflage pattern for Polish Army, but not accepted yet. There are also some commercial types of camouflage, developed by Kama, Helikon (
http://www.e-militaria.pl/images/zdjeci ... _Grom2.jpg) or MIWO Military Lubliniec (for example
http://miwomilitary.pl/?p=img.pB.261) or even commercial Polish-multicam from MIWO Military Praszka (
> The main question - is Multicam or SUEZ an official camouflage of GROM?
The "suez" is not the "multicam", it has different colors and a bit different shape than original American mulitcam camouflage. And not, the "suez" it is not official GROM unit camouflage, it is more or less official "working uniform". It may be sound strange, but it comes from bureaucratic regulations. Still, the official GROM unit cammo is the same as the whole Polish Army, so you can see GROM commandoes in "pantera", "pantera pustynna", "suez" or just in 5.11 cloths.
ПС: Очень старался избежать всяких намеков на устав и т.п. чтоб не попасть под наш строгий модераториал