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То есть 31st MEU Maritime Strike Force это что-то типа службы доставки? Или я что-то не так понял.
OKINAWA, Japan – Members of the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit’s Maritime Strike Force engage simulated enemy contacts, Feb. 1, as part of interoperability training conducted by the III Marine Expeditionary Force’s Special Operations Training Group. The MSF represents the strike element of the 31st MEU, and its training will help them prepare for any real-world situations they may face during their upcoming deployment.
strike element of the 31st MEU - ударня группа, насколько мне позволяет мой английски :|
Основа ударной группы — это 31st MEU force company (остатки расформированного 5-го Force recon), которые запечатлены на фото выше. Кроме них в Maritime Strike Force входят разнообразные средства доставки, абордажная company...
На счет почитать, то концентрированного ресурса я не знаю (о разных элементах надо читать в разных местах и привычный marines.mil не шибко помогает). А вот посмотреть — ходите сюда.
31st MEU’s Maritime Strike Force synchronizes full spectrum of tactics
CAMP HANSEN — In order to be ready for any contingency in the Asia-Pacific region, it is critical that the 31st Marine E xpedit iona r y Unit ma i ntains maritime capabilities to execute diverse missions at a moment’s notice. As a means to that end, the Marines and sailors of the MEU’s Maritime Strike Force received interoperability training on Camp Hansen and the Central Training Area Jan. 30–Feb. 6. The training was conducted by the III Marine Expeditionary Force’s Special Operations Training Group to bring together the three elements that make up the MSF and “get them on the same sheet of music,” said Master Sgt. Deryck Dervin, SOTG’s chief instructor. The MSF represents the surgical strike capability of t he MEU. This mea ns t he team is responsible to execute missions, such as a hostage rescue, where a large-scale assault would cause unnecessary collateral damage or compromise the mission by g iv i ng away t he Ma r i nes’ position prior to reaching the objective. The MSF is comprised of three elements: the Deep Reconnaissa nce Platoon, t he Amphibious Reconnaissance Platoon, both comprised of Marines and sailors from 3rd Reconnaissance Bn., and the security element made up of members of 3rd Plt., Company G, Battalion Landing Team 2nd Batta lion, 1st Ma ri ne Regiment. Each unit serves a different function in the strike force. The Amphibious Reconnaissance Platoon provides reconnaissance and surveillance for an operation, the Deep Reconnaissance Platoon executes raids and close-quarters battle and the security platoon provides security during the mission. During the training, the MSF members received several hours of classroom instruction and conducted many practical application sessions. The Marines and sailors covered subjects such as urban movement, fast-roping and helicopter landing-zone extractions – all critical activities that allow the team to move quickly during missions where seconds can mean the difference between success and failure. To stress the importance of timeliness, the leaders of each individual element discussed tactics and standing operating procedures to ensure their members knew how to communicate with each other and operate as a cohesive unit. “Everyone needs to walk away from this training with a good knowledge of their mission and the tasks required of the different elements of this strike force,” said Capt. James H. Peace, the MSF commander. “I want to be able to go into (our future training missions) and our other sea-based missions being able to execute the full spectrum of tasks we’re required to handle.”
Вопрос знатокам: был ли замечен на любых (спецура, прежде всего) морпехах PCU Gen2 Level 5 или только Happy Suit защищает их от дождя и ветра?
Также нашел другое название Maritime Raid Force (MRF), мне кажется это одно и тоже если нет, поправьте. :geek: